Buy EFT Money

In its early access, Escape from Tarkov keeps gaining more and more recognition, in the last days being even more popular than Fortnite! Currently, the developers - Russian studio Battlestate Games - is pushing hard with some free items and paid promotion via Twitch and Mixer streamers. Some say that the hype will end as soon as the money stream from the developers goes dry. Others claim that the game will find its niche and survive, just as players have to survive in Tarkov. Either way, at some point people will look for some cheap and easy Escape from Tarkov money, and the place to look for it is not the desolate metropolis. It's Sellers and Friends.
Patch 0.12.11 - to receive the EFT RUB through FLEA Market you have to:
- Be least level 20!! (not lv10 anymore, must be lv 20!)
- Have minimum 150k RUB in inventory
- a set of ITEMS FOUND IN RAID in inventory that u can use to set them on FLEA MARKET and sell for an overpriced value - we buy these items to deliver RUBs to you.
We DO NOT (DON'T) COVER THE FLEA FEES - from path 0.12.11 we are not covering fees anymore BUT the price will be lower than usual :-)
You can put any items you want. Just pay attention to the fees to not overpay!
If you got any questions regarding the method, ask our Sales Agent on Livechat before purchasing!
If you're new to EFT, we got a list of recommended items - ask our Agent on Livechat.
How to buy Escape from Tarkov money?
Want to buy EFT Money? Just follow this short instruction.
- Please make sure you are at least level 10 and 150k RUB in inventory and ITEMS FOUND IN RAID to receive the EFT RUB through FLEA Market (changed at patch 0.12.9 after WIPE!!) Keep in mind that we Cover an extra 15% on top of the order value for your FLEA Fees (ask Agent on LiveChat)
- Select the amount of in-game currency (ETF Money) - Roubles, Euros, or Dollars - that you need
- Fill in the contact form. It will take the data from your account, and if you don't have one, it will be created
- Check out all the information, if they're accurate
- Choose the payment method and complete the deal
- Once the payment is through, wait for our Live Agent to come and finish the trade.
We will deliver your Roubles, Euros, and Dollars - all EFT money faster than you can say: "Escape from Tarkov." Thanks to Livestock we have the shortest delivery time in the business. We also cover all in-game fees! During working hours, you will have your in-game currency in less than two minutes. Outside of it it takes no more than a day. We don't sell the commodity, that we don't have.
Every trader and gamer will receive a 1% bonus upon creating the account. If you make a lot of deals, the bonus can go up to a whopping 5%! Not only will you monetize your in-game wealth, but you can also make some additional income. It applies to all games, not the Escape from Tarkov alone.
Safety is not exclusive for survival MMOs in the manner of Escape from Tarkov. It is also the foundation of our website. We have thousands of satisfied customers already, with the number still growing. If you want a confirmation, check out all the online reviews we've got on TrustPilot and Facebook.
If you have any problems regarding your purchase or server delivery, don't wait. Go to our Live Chat support, who's always online, and ask them for help. These are the best people in the business, and impossible does not exist for them.
If you are planning to come back to us later, please share your opinion. We'd be happy to have it.
How to make money in Escape from Tarkov
As for many survival-type of games, there are three main ways of making ETF money:
- looting,
- killing,
- trading.
For all of them, you have to be online. You can try your luck with some bots and cheats, but in Escape from Tarkov, it may not work. Not only are you risking the ban, but also the profit might prove to be underwhelming, so please, ignore the flashy ads. It's not worth it.
Potentially, the easiest way of making a profit in Escape from Tarkov, the safest one at the very least. Every map contains countless loot spawns, scattered around, and it's only up to your creativity and perceptivity to spot them.
To become an effective looter, you have to maximize your time efficiency. If you are forced to wander around like a nan with Alzheimer, you're done for. Most likely, you will be shot by someone who knows what he's doing. It is the first rule - you have to know what you're doing. Running randomly through the map will have you killed. Knowing where to go and where to search for the valuables, will fill your stash with pricey items, and pockets with Roubles, Euros, and Dollars.
While looting, you intend to make as much profit as possible. Your stash capacity is limited, which means that the more equipment you take, the less loot you'll be able to carry from the raid. Thus, you want to take only a must-have Escape from Tarkov raid items. Most of the time, it will be the survival medicals - medkits, bandages, painkillers, etc.
As in many other titles from this genre, in Escape from Tarkov, you are given the opportunity to kill everyone and take their stash. You can become a victim, and lose all your equipment if you die, though. It's brutal, and it is the beauty of this game. You should take this form of Roubles-making under advisement if sneaking or flipping is too dull for you.
Be prepared for some hard encounters, as the best gamers on the server are at the highest level for a reason. They do not stint Roubles and Dollars for the most efficient gear and weapons. They need every potential advantage that will help them come out on top of a skirmish.
It is the riskiest option out of these three. One day you will overcome everyone and walk away with glory and tons of Roubles. The other day you will be bested, and your Roubles will serve a different purpose than you intended. It's a harsh game, and many even say hardcore. If you manage to win and survive consistently, your investments will give you a pretty neat return. If you are not this type of a player that strives to kill everyone and loot their corpses, then other options are for you.
Probably the safest way of earning the in-game currency in Escape from Tarkov. Pretty much every massive multiplayer online game with an in-game trade market knows the flipping. With thousands of players, the market on the server is overflood with items. Some of them are useful. Others are not. Your job as a trader will be to look for these items that you can buy cheap and sell with a profit.
To maximize your chances of making a good Roubles on flipping, you should have the traders leveled up. It means completing a few quests to earn their loyalty. Optimally, you want to have Skier and Peacekeeper on your side. These two are the best sellers in the game. They can exchange your Roubles for Dollars, and they have the most reliable gear to buy.
You can't really get away without spending multiple hours online, fishing for the deal of your life, or the day at least. It requires patience, knowledge, gut-feeling, and some initial investment. Also, remember that it will take time to learn the ins and outs of Escape from Tarkov market. However, once you get the hang of it, you can make some easy Roubles to buy equipment or exchange the currency to Dollars.
Interchange - loot, profit, repeat
You don't need keys. There are no interesting rooms with a booty, that would be worthwhile. Your points of interest are weapon boxes, and static loot spawns for industrial loot, as well as electronics loot on store shelves.
On Interchange, weapon boxes are hidden from the main paths, which means that you are perfectly fine to sneak in for some low-cost loot. Better weapons are giving you two possibilities:
- Sell them for profit,
- Use them in the raids to come.
Both options are suitable for making money, with the former being the safe one with less reward, and the latter is more dangerous with higher possible profit. Simply selling the loot gives you money right away. Going for another raid involves a risk of total failure and losing stash. If you can't go in and farm well regularly, don't bother - go to the dealer and request the payment.
At this point, we want to advise you not to hold on to the gear for too long. Escape from Tarkov is still in the beta. It means, that from time to time there will be a wipe, where all players lose their equipment to start over. It is the way that the developers chose for Escape from Tarkov before going all-in. It's quite understandable - no developer wants to invest their money in the game that has flaws. With that being said, don't hesitate to use your gear in future raids. It's better to use the best weapon you have fighting for loot than to lose it for free due to the wipe. At the end of the day, you can still sell them to have more money.
In theory, focusing your looting activity on industrial and electronics stuff should make you more profit than weapon crates, and put you into less risk overall.
IDEA is ideal for looting electronic, as there is a lot of commodity of this type. Goshan makes the excellent place to look for tools, especially the large hand driver, which you will need for hideout upgrades later on. Finally, OLI is fantastic in terms of finding valuable industrial loot that you can sell for tons of Roubles.
It is the prime example of a decent farming site you shouldn't skip. For this one, you will need to have some key and a few Roubles investment, but as you see how much return it can bring, you'll call it worth, no doubt.
The general premise of going to the Shoreline is the "Azure Coast" health resort. As you can probably tell, the resort was not made for poor people. In fact, it was used as an extraction point by the TerraGroup corporation while evacuating from the city. You can assume with a large dose of certainty that there will be some valuable items left behind, which will your secured case with a lot of Roubles, Dollars, and Euros.
Be careful! As one of the wealthiest locations in the whole game, the "Azure Coast" will most likely be heavily contested. Thus, you have two options - sneak in, fill the stash, and get out, or prepare for a fight. And you will need your "A game" to come online, as there will be no pushovers.
Don't hesitate when investing in keys in Escape from Tarkov. These are the ones you should be looking for:
These keys open rooms with valuable rare spawns, and if you are lucky enough to loot all of them, you can make nice cash - hundreds of thousands of Roubles effortlessly. You will find those rooms in the eastern wing of the complex, which is generally considered to be the richer one. The western wing is the next best thing here. It's not that profitable, but it will still not leave you empty-handed. Due to worse loot tables, it should be less contested, though, which is an optimistic info.
There is a ton of content to watch about Escape from Tarkov. You can find more than one playlist with thousands of views about farming in each location, and where to find the most valuable items for sale. You can just click "autoplay" and watch videos for hours. They will show you in details, where to go, and where to look for the valuables. Online guides include priceless knowledge and hours of experience, that you'd waste.
So, there is nothing left for you to do. Go on the Discord voice com with your friends, and start to play, and maybe create a content of yourself. If you play long enough, it should not be a challenge to make a new video. Make sure to drop a link of it to us, as it will be for us close to as precious as sharing a good feedback about our web page. Join the happy Sellers and Friends community. If you have a subscription elsewhere - cancel it right now!