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Final Fantasy XIV Gil
Final Fantasy XIV from Square Enix is a staple game in the MMORPG genre. Recently it had three great expansions release - Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers. The beauty of the scenery can draw your attention away from what's really important - the money. Like any other MMOs, FFXIV operates on an in-game currency. Final Fantasy XIV Gil is your main resource to do everything in the game.
How to buy FFXIV Gil?
If you are looking to buy FFXIV Gil, all you need is to follow these steps:
- Choose the amount of FFXIV Gil you want to purchase or the amount of USD cash you have to spend
- Select a payment method of your choice from the list
- Check if the contact details in the form are in order
- After acceptance, continue with the purchase process by clicking “Checkout with G2APAY”.
- Verify the information in the order preview
- Our live agent will guide you through the rest of the FFXIV Gil deal, once the payment is through.
Satisfaction from our FFXIV Gil offers is guaranteed.
A place to buy the Cheapest FFXIV Gil
The fastest FFXIV Gil delivery speed
We believe that players should have the ability to generate more resources for their favourite games. So we created a service from which you can order FFXIV Gil for your journey. And we're seller to offer it 18 hours every day, with 120 seconds delivery time. Outside this time frame there may be small delay, but it's less than 12 hours delivery guarantee. We leave the competition behind.
The reason we're so fast is the Live Stock feature - we only sell the currency we have.
Bonus FFXIV Gil for every order
Each registered user has a 1% bonus available to him. Signing up is everything that one needs to receive the reward. It can make to 5% in time, if the user keeps trading in high volumes. At our page, the bonus is added to every transaction, not only the big ones. It's the best place to buy FFXIV Gil.
FFXIV Gil purchase security technology
Plenty of positive feedback on our TrustPilot and Facebook pages speak for itself. Sellers and Friends are one of the most trusted and experienced in-game currency vendors available, including FFXIV Gil market. We check our suppliers if the FFXIV Gil is hand made. We are always using the safest possible currency delivery methods to ensure fast delivery of an item, because your transactions safety is our reputation! We will never ask your account login data, Skype ID, email, real name, or password, so make sure to keep it safe and do not share with anybody, so that your account is not stolen. We may require your character name, though, to send a friend request ingame for the FFXIV Gil deliveries to your FC Chest. We are the only Final Fantasy XIV Gil seller here. Purchase FFXIV Gil on SellersAndFriends!
If that is not enough, G2A Pay (Mastercard affiliate program) gives us confidence and provides our users with payment security and buyer protections.
FFXIV Gil Live Chat support service
Need any help with the mobile version of the site? Got a question regarding credit card payments, items, how trade is made and how secure the transaction is? Got an inquiry about accounts sale and item prices, order problem, or maybe you want your G2A code verification? Open livechat and our professional shop attendant will make sure your problem is solved and questions answered. Our support staff is here to help all gamers! Communicate in English language for smoother livechat service. A screenshot of the issue or activity will be helpful.
How to make FFXIV Gil
Final Fantasy XIV starters ask themselves - how to make the cheapest FFXIV Gil early? The main storyline quests and side quests, like Prelude in Violet, will award you some nice starting bonus no matter the circumstances, but once you reach endgame you will soon find out that it’s not enough. If you need more power that comes with proper equipments, you will require tons of Gil. With these tips there will be thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Gil in your Hero of Eorzea currency panel in no time, with the best weapons and pieces of gear among your equipments. Your White Mage will have no trouble earning a victory over most dreadful monsters in Hydaelyn and bringing a word of peace.
Farming Gil FFXIV
After reaching level 50, you have a chance to make a lot of Final Fantasy XIV Gil but you will notice that majority of these options require tedious grinding. If you are a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic, you can grind monsters over and over to sell materials to crafters. Each server, however, has its own quirks, trades, and needs so you "inside info" may come in handy to know which material is worth grinding for in FFXIV.
FFXIV Dungeons Roulette
Just like every grind-based method, this takes time. However, it will make you a lot of FFXIV Gil with tiny effort. In Roulettes, you will slay monsters and bosses that will give you decent loot. You just have to click the roulette option in Duty Finder to join raid group. You will be matched with a party to complete dungeons. One raid a day is not much, but it will make profit. For example, Ampador Keep is a good source of Tomes of Philosophy that you can exchange for more expensive items (i. e. Materia). Selling items is always a way of obtaining FF14 Gil.
Final Fantasy XIV Disciples
Jobs are not the most entertaining for a gamer, but the easy income is one of the reasons it belongs to ways of making FFXIV Gil for all classes. FFXIV job system is one of the most interesting class systems out there, as it offers a variety of Gil FFXIV farming methods. Thanks to it you don't need many characters. Disciple of the Land, is very effective in mining resources, which is quite an effective process of making Final Fantasy XIV Gil and looting items. Gathering Elemental Shards as Miner can earn you some FFXIV Gil even at level 1. The botanist brings decent FFXIV Gil profit, but requires some leveling and the demand for items is low. Fishing is most likely the lowest-earning Earth profession you can pick up, but some poeple simply enjoy the fisher theme. Farming at all levels for days may not be full of thrill MMO action with savage combats everyone desire, but every gamerwill appreciate the cheapest, easiest, and cost efficient gathering, even if it involves trading consumables, like potions and food.
FFXIV Market Board
Hitting the market in most MMORPGs is the way to make Gold, Silver, Coins, or other currencies - in Final Fantasy XIV it's Gil. Although you need an investment to be relevant on the marketboard, be it the time or the FF14 Gil itself. Crafting a variety of high-end items is not an easy task. Not only it requires you to level up crafting skills, but it also involves collecting expensive components. Yet, making deals is way easier than killing monsters over and over. However, in order to be proficient in flipping, you need to be able to estimate items prices on the fly.
Challenge Log
You complete Challenge Log entries with various quests, acheievements, guildleves, dungeons, monsters killed, etc. The list of challenges in game goes on and on, and it will be easier for players to score than sitting for hours on player marketplace flipping items.
Players want to reach the endgame content fast, have the best equipment completed, and enjoy the experience of the true game. If you are not among the players keen on endless grind just to have few minutes of fun, there is also the last possibility - make some other people farm FFXIV Gil for you! Thanks to SellersAndFriends services, you can buy FFXIV Gil and save your free time for the actual gameplay. No buyers will refund you the time wasted. Skip grinding process. With Sellers and Friends - the best place to buy FFXIV Gil - you can do so. These prices will save you not only a bit of time, but money as well.
Our company has been in the currency trading industry for years and it’s a brand you can trust among other marketplaces. We are platform selling Gold, Silver, EfT money, PoE orbs - they may be your property soon. Get your cheap FFXIV Gil today, collect orders with fast delivery and save your precious time for the entertaining parts of the game!
Elevate your gaming to the next level and become the best with - a currency seller with the best position in ratings on the Internet. Games we provide service at, do not include FIFA, Fortnite, World of Warcraft, Warframe. Also, keep in mind that we are trading a currency using the market delivery methods and we do not trade with trial accounts so you don't have to worry about the security. Just fill your shopping cart with items.
For money back information, privacy policy, Terms of Service, refund questions, patch update changes, tax info, email address recovery please contact us via the Live Chat support. Also, hit us with your concerns, issues, or suggestions. For further details for fans, like main story guide, servers names, news, or legacy content, Google the FFXIV Wiki link.
Customers Reviews (6)
Frequently Asked Questions

How to buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil?
Choose the amount of Final Fantasy XIV Gil that you need. Select the payment method, pay for the product, and wait for our agent.
How is the Gil delivered?
During business hours, the goods will appear on your account in few minutes. We will suggest the best possible delivery method, whether it's face-to-face (character name needed), mailbox, or the market. Make sure that you have free mail space.
How do you guarantee safety of players?
We acknowledged all the ins and outs of this business and the economy of every game, that we trade in, for we are also players. We bought and sold millions of Gil. FFXIV is not our only game, so we have lots of experience in these areas.
Can I buy currencies other than FF14 Gil?
Sure. Check the list at the top of the page to see, which game do we provide for. We have PoE Orbs, Albion Silver, ESO Gold, and many more game products.
What if I want higher FFXIV Gil quantity, than you have on the stock?
Every buyer can go to the Live Chat service and contact us to request for more, than we have on the Live Stock for sale. We will collect the Gil and notify players. Any customer is free to negotitate the products price using bulk purchase.
How can I ask for refunds for FFXIV Gil?
We do not provide FFXIV Gil refund due to potential cases of fraudulence. Players pay us good money, and we deliver their order without any problems. We never had a case of refund request.