Albion Online PVP - Introduction, Zones, Repuration Points and more!

PvP, this is very extensive subject. This article will help you to better understand zones, reputation system or how to get or farm reputation points and more.
Table of contents
- Introduction to PVP
- PVP Zones
- Reputation points and restrictions
- Titles
- How to get Reputation Points
- Tips
Introduction to PVP
I will do my best to answer most frequently asked questions and give you a few tips at the end. This may also be very helpful to PvE fans because PvE is connected with the PvP system very often. Maybe that's not good information for players that prefer to avoid PvP, but trust me, knowledge included in this article would benefit later during the gameplay.
In PvP small gear differences can create a big gap between a victory and a loss. Buy Albion Online Silver and become PvP ready! |
PVP Zones
Albion online has own player versus player system. The world has been divided into zones with different PvP rules. Let's have a look at their characteristics and major differences between them.
- Safe zones (blue zones)
In the safe zones, there is no open world PvP. If you prefer not to take part in combat, this zone guarantees that. You are unable to attack other players and vice versa, so you can not get hit. What’s more, if you get killed by a monster you just get knocked down. Also, you don't lose any gear from your inventory.
- Yellow Zones
Yellow zones are areas with PvP, but its restricted. You can fight but keep in mind that there are reputation consequences. It is possible to attack other players if you flag yourself (top left corner). What's important, if you are flagged up you can attack as unflagged as flagged players. After defeating another player you knock him down, but he wouldn't lose any valuables. If you knock down player which isn't flagged, you will receive negative reputation points. If you get hit, decide to fight back and kill your enemy you are free from reputation points penalty.
Yellow zones are very good for beginners to get used to PvP. It's better to learn basics in this area because you are not afraid of losing any important items. It's a good introduction for later open world PvP gameplay in more advanced areas.
- Red zones
The difference between the red and yellow zone is that in this first one you lose all of your equipment after death. You would also drop your mount, however, you don't have to be afraid of losing gold and silver. The red zone isn't restricted so you are getting flagged since entering the area. You can feel free to kill or knock down other players without reputation loss.
- Black zones
Open PvP for advanced players with full loot death. Black zones can be found only in Outlands.
Reputation Points and Restrictions
Reputation points
These points are something like a scale, place where you are at defines what player you actually are. It may sound hard to understand, but after getting knowledge about how to gain these points, it is much easier to understand. I'm going to show that later, but in simple words, it's kind of measurement that shows people how you treat other players. It's possible to have a negative or positive level of reputation points. What's more, having a particular level of reputation points affects your gameplay, so it is good to keep eye on it. You can also find your own level of reputation points by clicking character name in the top left corner, then stats and select reputation after all.
*Higher level of reputation points may unlock new quests, rewards.
Titles are some kinds of ranks that describe your level of reputation points. They make it easier to define faster other players and arrange the whole system. If you want to find someone's reputation points level/rank just look at right side of his nickname above the character, this small icon represents other players rank. In my opinion this solution is very good for Albion Online PvP gameplay. Lower you can find the list of every single rank and requirements that you have to meet if you think about getting one of them.
Let’s start from the top!
Reputation requirements - +10,000 or more
City access - All
Zone access - Blue (Safe zone), Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - +5,000 or more
City access - All
Zone access - Blue (Safe zone), Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - +1,500 or more
City access - All
Zone access - Blue (Safe zone), Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - +500 or more
City access - All
Zone access - Blue (Safe zone), Yellow, Red, Black
- (None) Neutral
Reputation requirements - 0 or more
City access - All
Zone access - Blue (Safe zone), Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - 0 or less
City access - All
Zone access - Blue (Safe zone), Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - -1000 or less
City access - Caerleon
Zone access - Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - -3000 or less
City access - Caerleon
Zone access - Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - -10,000 or less
City access - Caerleon
Zone access - Yellow, Red, Black
Reputation requirements - -20,000 or less
City access - Caerleon
Zone access - Black
How to get Reputation Points
Some actions are rewarding by gaining reputation points, some of them are neutral, and some effect in decreasing level of reputation points. You can get reputation points by crafting or killings mobs. Farming and killing enemies are also nice ways to get reputation points. You can get punished by killing other players in some zones even if they are flagged. PvP let you to fight basically everywhere, but be careful where you attack others, because there are consequences for some actions.
Watch another player reputation level by checking their ranks. If players have a high level of reputation there is no reason to run away or worry. It is uncommon to get killed by someone with very high rank. But, on the other hand, this tip can save your life. Keep eyes on players with bad reputation and be ready to run away very quickly. Rank helps to define faster intentions of other players.
Do not care about your gear, it may sound bad, but that's very good tip. Treat your equipment as consumables and don't be worry about losing everything after entering for example black zones. PvP system forces you to venture very often. That may save your valuable items and make you lose not that much important stuff.
Remember that if you flag it lasts for 15 minutes before you can unflag
It is worth to take a risk and go into open PvP zones. Profits from dangerous areas are much better than those from restricted PvP places. You can even earn 5 times more in red zones than in blues. So don't be afraid to try going much deeper into Albion Online world.
Do not show up in the middle of the map, or near main roads. Try to find calm places to farm or kill mobs. Avoid often frequented paths. Try not to get noticed, walk on spots where the map ends. It decreases chances to meet someone and get killed after all.
Is there a way to completely avoid PvP?
Yes, but only by staying in the city. Without serious worries, You can enter yellow zones where PvP is allowed. However, You wouldn't lose Your gear there. In the red and black zones, you lose your gear after death.
What’s the fastest way to get Reputation Points in Albion Online?
It’s rather simple, kill mobs, a lot of mobs. How much you earn really depends on how much time you spend and your effectiveness. What’s important, bosses give more reputation than regular monsters.
How are PvE fans affected by open world PvP system?
That's a good question, to be honest, very much. If you want to kill mobs, enjoy a big part of the gameplay you have to face yourself with PvP. The best loot is very often possible to get in black and red zones where PvP system allows PvP, so you have to take a risk to get a high reward.
Does real money help in PvP, does microtransactions make in an unfair advantage over other players?
This is a very common occurrence in free to play but also in paid MMORPG games. Of course, you can buy things for real money but this is stuff that you can get without paying extra money. Cash in my opinion just speeds up the whole process of development that can be done without additional payments. So Albion Online PvP is rather free from the P2W model and microtransactions don't ruin the gameplay for typical players.
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