Escape from Tarkov leveling guide - get to the level 40 fast!

Escape from Tarkov leveling
Welcome to Sellers and Friends guide to efficient leveling in Escape from Tarkov game. We will be covering some of the most critical topics, which directly affect the speed of getting experience during the game. If you want to advance and become stronger in the game quickly - here is what you need.
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Pros and cons of leveling to 40
By getting your character to lvl 40, you unlock all traders available in the game. On top of that, you gain access to all of the weapons and modifications that are connected to them. It might seem very encouraging for those who want to be stronger. However, there is one big flaw in getting to the max level. There is no endgame in Escape from Tarkov. By getting to the maximum level, you become significantly stronger, and you might use it to help your friends, but ultimately you might quickly run out of fun that you got from the game, as there won't be new challenges waiting for you. It might change in the future patches that are yet to be released, but so far, resetting is the only option to begin the progression once again.
The most effective way of leveling
In many MMO titles that you can find, missions available for players from NPCs are proven to be the best way of gaining experience. Although Escape from Tarkov is more of a shooter than MMORPG, there are also quests available for completion. These awards better rewards in terms of quick leveling than other activities that you might be doing. From the completion of Prapor, Skier, Therapist, Peacekeeper, Mechanic, and Ragman tasks, you can get around 1.2 Million Experience. It means that over half of the way towards level 40 is behind you after quests. There are over 120 tasks available for completion, but we were counting that you will be able to finish around 110 of them since a quest or two might be too difficult, especially killing bosses.
How to be efficient during questing
If you are planning to maximize your experience income, you will have to be smart about your mission choices. To raise your efficiency, choose only missions with overlapping tasks. For example, if mission A requires collecting 10 Bottles of Water, mission B requires going to Gas Station, and mission C implies that you have to find 5 Bottles of Water and 3 Slicker Bars, then missions A and C are overlapping, and thus they are the best choices. It works wonders in terms of time efficiency. Try to find correlations between quests and complete as many as you can on a single run.
It doesn't only apply to stuff that you look for or types of kills that you want to get, but also to locations. When you are searching for loot or Scav killing in certain areas, don't take quests that require from you traveling across the map and doing something else. It could lead to a big time waste if someone catches you off guard and kill you. Also, the more you travel, the more likely it will be for others to spot you, and the harder for you to survive.
Other ways of improving experience income
There are still various little things that you can do during your gameplay to raise the amount of experience that you get from the raid. The first and also the easiest thing that you can do is looting dead bodies. It might seem like something not worth doing as experience that you get from scavenging isn't anything spectacular, but without a doubt, it adds up. Every time you see a corpse lying on the ground - take a look around you, and if nothing suspicious is happening, go for a quick "F" to grab your exp reward. It's also worth noting at this point that if you have received over 100 exp as a reward for looting the body, there might be some valuable items hidden inside Pockets or Backpack.
Equipment choices
To optimize your runs and get as much experience as you can from them, you will have to make correct choices in the field of gearing up. Below we have described a few categories that might help you make decisions on what to take with you to the field of battle.
Weapon choice
There will be two main weapon categories that you will choose from during your gameplay. These are Full Automatic Rifles and Semi-Automatic ones. The weapon which you will select during the raid should be affected by the place that you are heading to. On maps like Interchange and Shoreline, you will be facing a lot of close quarter fights where very often you will be using your gun to spray down enemies from a short-range quickly. During that time, guns that can shoot a high amount of rounds per minute will be handier. On the other hand, you have maps like Woods, Customs, and Factory, where you will face longer distances meaning that more accurate shots are required. That's where weapons with lower rounds per minute and more severe damage per shot will prove more valuable.
Ammo choice
Depending on the choices that you have made with your weaponry, you might consider going for ammunition with high flesh damage or for the one that provides armor penetration. If your opponents don't wear any armor, then face, chest and legs are where you should aim. Legs are always a safe option to target since you can be sure to penetrate them easily. It applies to shotguns, mainly, but if you are sure that your opponents don't have helmet or armor, then aim for the head and chest.
If you are an above-average shooter and you can land decent headshots with SKS or M1A, you might consider going for high armor penetration rounds. With them, you will become more efficient, even if your bullets come across heavy armor. This way, you will be able to deal more damage, but you will have to be consistent in shooting upper body parts of your opponent. If you are uncertain of your ability to aim, then flesh damage ammunition will be more useful you - otherwise, go with armor penetration.
Armor choice
There are two schools of thought when it comes to the armor types. If you want to try hard during your game, then go for the best armor choice available for you at the moment. However, if you run out of resources, then going with no armor at all might also be an option. Using all of the armors that are only decent at their job doesn't serve its purpose. You don't want to waste inventory space for half measures. The only one that is common and good enough to consider is the PECA Soft Armor.
Money Making
During your gameplay, you might find yourself in situations where you will have to go for loot runs in order to get decent equipment for your main games. The best places to aim for in these situations are Interchange and Shoreline. These are the maps with a straightforward layout that can net you the best profits. On your runs, you shouldn't take anything valuable as you will be there to make money - not to lose it. You might consider taking a weapon to defend yourself or to shoot somebody in the head if you can manage to sneak from behind the enemy player. Take a Glock, TT, PP, or any pistol that you have, and the biggest backpack that you can get for looting runs to ensure that you will be able to gather as many items as possible.
One additional thing to consider is the time zone that you are in. If you are from Europe, you might be able to play on American servers or even Asian ones. The game lets you go into other worlds as long as you have less than 150 ping. During the European day, America servers might be lower populated since there is a night at a time in this time zone. For your loot runs, always aim for the least populated worlds. It will give you more safety and a better chance of getting good loot.
If you are uncertain which traders you should level first, then this section is for you. Always try to improve traders as soon as you unlock them and try to sell items to the ones that give you the best prices. Leveling up traders is crucial since they will have more great gear to offer on higher levels. Price checking will be essential to be efficient, so always pay attention to the costs.
Late Game
After getting to level 40, you will reach the late game. Now that you are equipped well enough to have an advantage in most fights, you might consider improving your gameplay and moving out of your comfort zone. You have probably mastered some of the weapons and setups, and you have gained knowledge about few maps during the leveling. Spend your time on getting knowledge in the fields of the game where you struggle. Maybe you have problems with certain weapons, or you feel like losing a lot on some of the maps - while waiting for the next reset, you might spend some time on improving areas of gameplay that are your weaknesses. Doing this will not only make you better at the game but will enhance your knowledge, which might help in leveling after the next reset.
Our leveling guide for Escape from Tarkov has concluded. We believe that thanks to this article, you should be able to improve your EfT gameplay, learn better ways of leveling, and start your journey to become the strongest PMC on the server. If this guide gave you some insight, you may also want to check out other content that we have prepared. See what we have in stock at the marketplace section and search for the cheapest in-game currency and items here at SellersAndFriends. We would be happy to hear from you, so make sure to share this post, sign in, and leave a comment in the section below right away. If you enjoyed trading here, please, be welcome to come back here, and ignore other sites. Most of you will probably choose to watch a Pestily Show YouTube video or Twitch stream over the text (why would people want to read anything?), but a written guide also has advantages. We hope that you will find them handy. You'd say we show less? Read one of our guides. You'll see. If you found these tips not that great and you think videos are better, leave a comment on what we can improve. And we'll do.
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