Black Desert vs FFXIV - Which MMO is better

Black Desert Online (BDO) and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (FFXIV) share a lot of characteristic features of this genre, but also have many huge differences that separate them quite a bit. Regarding the similarities, both are great MMORPGs full of content that take place in an open world of fantasy, just like other MMOs, such as Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), Guild Wars 2 (GW2), EVE Online, or World of Warcraft (WoW), among others.
Regarding the differences, the gameplay of both are very different, so it is worth inquiring into them. In this Black Desert vs FFXIV article, we are going to investigate these questions and try to find out which game is better. Enjoy the travel, adventurer!
Tablet of contents:
* Which game should I play, BDO or Final Fantasy XIV?
* BDO gameplay vs FF14 gameplay
* Black Desert Online and FFXIV story and quests
* BDO vs FF14 character customization, races, and cosmetics
* Trading, market, and exchange system
*BDO vs FFXIV graphics, storytelling, and stuff
Which game should I play, BDO or Final Fantasy XIV?
To start, we don’t believe that there is a better game than is far away in terms of quality to the other, though personal preferences and past tastes. The info posted here is just what we think about both games. Playing FFXIV is not better than playing Black Desert, or vice versa. If you are a regular fan of the big FF Franchise and you have played many games of the saga, you likely love FFXIV ARR and all its expansions because, let’s be honest, this game goes back to the old school of the first FFs. Seriously, playing this game feels like returning to your first days.
Black Desert Online, as you may remember, is a relatively new game (its release was in 2015), so its narrative and mythology are new as well. It is not bad looking despite its short life.
But, contrary to what may be thought, this is not really a problem. What’s more, it is a plus since the new mechanics and lore are added to the vast world of video games. Even more, the success of BDO has been such that last year PS4 and Xbox One versions were launched.
Still, we are going to expose some specific topics of both games that look like central points for you might take your own decision.
BDO gameplay vs FF14 gameplay
When you pick and play BDO, and then you focus on FFXIV, it is possible you may notice the gameplay in both games is pretty much the same. Actually, almost every MMORPG that is released nowadays has traditional and similar mechanics and integrations. Although this may mean that FF14 and other classic games such as RuneScape or World of Warcraft built the path for any current MMO.
Talking about the gameplay in BDO, this game includes several features to help players immerse themselves in the sandbox aspect of the game. Getting involved in the adventure is inevitable.
One of the main elements is the dynamic of the world and how this never stops, that is to say, the changing weather and the system of day and night. Depending on the conditions of the weather, events, NPCs, etc. the interactions with the environment change very fast, in addition to the lighting conditions.
The combat system in BDO requires constant interaction and great abilities in aiming, dodging, using combos and attacks. Of course, skill management will increase over time. This system is quite similar to what you can find in third-person shooter games, which differentiates it from other MMOs. Also, the battles can take place on mounts, which makes mounts a very important element of the plot of the Black Desert.
When it comes to Final Fantasy 14, Eorzea also has a day and night system, but it, basically, doesn’t influence too much in the events, only in the creatures that can appear in certain zones. The weather is not changeable either. Instead, the FFXIV has several areas with different weather and environment: woods, islands, deserts, snowy mountains, volcanos, etc.
And talking about how the action combat system is making, this works through the Hotbar, a quick tab menu that you can configure to adapt it to your requirements. The Hotbar looks very simple and shows you the skills that are available, which you can use in a shift system.
Black Desert Online and FFXIV story and quests
In both games, the story and the Lore are very simple, and that is something that is appreciated. Many MMO players hate the confusing stories and backgrounds, so this is a plus point in both games. Anyone can immerse in the plot without knowing too much of the Lore.
Everything in BDO, since ancient times, revolves around a competitive confrontation between two countries: the Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia. Both Nations are fighting for the control of the Black Stones, singular ores that contain great and secret power.
The content of FFXIV unfolds then a great war and the Great Calamity, which has brought death and peace to the regions that make up Eorzea. In this context, all the former warriors decide to earn a living as adventurers, who accept quests and orders in exchange for money or reputation. These adventurers look for their destiny to join the Guilds.
Perhaps, the development of the story in FFXIV is a little slow, at least in the beginning, but it is the kind of story in which you show interest when the real conflict has started.
Talking about quests, BDO has seven types of quests, and each of them will reward in a totally different way.
Next, you have a list of those quests and their respective description.
Type of Quest |
Description |
These quests follow the plot of the main story. |
General Quests |
Basic quests are given by an NPC (Side Quests). |
Black Spirit Quests |
These quests are related to your Black Spirit progress. In these quests, you can choose between helping NPCs or raising your Black Spirit. Helping NPCs will reward you with Contribution Points. Raising your BS will reward you with Combat Points. |
Explore Quests |
As its name says, these quests send you to discover new areas and content. |
Crafting Quests |
In these quests, you have to craft some specific item. |
Trade Quests |
In this type of quest, you have to trade some specific goods. |
Repeatable Quests |
Many quests can be repeatable at set intervals. |
Regarding Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, you can find several types of quests that are required to advance in the plot and not, from the MSQ, which lead you through the main story, to quick quests that are perfect to earn rather Gil and experience and reach levels, such as crafting professions quests or quests in which you have to show your life skills. Next, you have a questing list:
Type of Quest |
Description |
Main Scenario Quests |
The main level questline contains all the principal missions that lead you through the plot of the story. |
Side Quests |
Optional quests that give you some special skills (on certain occasions) and reward you with Gil and experience points. |
Levequests |
Special quick quests are given by a Leve. There are three different types of Levequests: Battlecraft, Fieldcraft, and Tradecraft. |
Beast Tribe Quests |
Daily Quests dictated by Beast Tribes: Sylphs, Kobolds, Amalj’aa, Qitari, Dwarf, Pixie, and Sahagin. Finishing a BTQ will reward you with Reputation Points. |
Quick and random quests that you have to complete in a certain period of time. There are five types of FATEs: Kill monsters, Kill a Boss, Defend, Collect, and Escort. |
Class and Jobs Quests |
Each class and Job in Final Fantasy 14 has its own quests. These quests reward you with a good amount of Gil, a special piece of equipment or item, a special skill, and XP. |
Feature Quests |
These quests unlock some special features in FFXIV, such as Instance Quests, Location Quests, Hunt Quests, Customization and Glamour Quests, Aether Current Quests, and Miscellaneous Quests. |
Dungeons |
Dungeons are not quests, if we are honest, but represent a great way to earn experience points. Dungeons are Light Party quests, in which you have to complete some specific objectives. |
BDO vs FF14 character customization, races, and cosmetics
The character creation in FFXIV has several functions, options, and starter races. Choosing among a variety of races means your character's phenotype will change, as expected. After your choice, you have the chance to personalize the specific parts of the body of your single character, for example, ears, eyes, mouth, size, weight height, etc. The races available in FFXIV from the beginning of the game are the following:
Race |
Tribe or Clan |
Miqo’te |
Elezen |
Hrothgar |
Lalafell |
Hyur |
Roegadyn |
Au Ra |
Viera |
*Au Ra race was added on the expansion Heavensward. Viera race, on the other hand, was added on the expansion Shadowbringers. Keep in mind that other races can be added over time.
Black Desert also has several types of game's races and classes, although, being fair, these are easily recognizable for people who are not used to any MMORPG. These races are the following:
Races |
Description |
Humans |
Most common race in the world of Black Desert. |
Elves |
One of the classic races of the game world. Elves In BDO are divided into two sub-races: Dark Knight and Ranger. |
Giants |
Giants only have one gender: male gender. Giants are available just with the Berserker class. |
Dwarves |
Great laborers and blacksmiths |
Shais |
Very similar to Dwarves and have a great presence in the Black Desert lands. |
Fadus |
A giant leopard race. |
Otters |
Fish loving race, always very near to the water. |
Demibeasts |
Deer-like race. Demibeasts are peaceful. |
Demihumans |
Several races, usually bipeds, that inhabit the land. |
Trading, market, and exchange system
There are plenty of ways to trade, exchange, buy and sell goods in FFXIV and Black Desert. An interesting thing about FFXIV trading is selling on the Market Board for a decent amount of Gil, the currency of the game, an in-game platform that makes it easy for you to buy and sell items, and a good number of unique pieces of gear, armor, weapons, swords, etc. at the best price.
Otherwise, and as an optional path, you can approach and talk directly with the community, other users, and propose an exchange. Someone will be interested in time if you are patient.
Of course, it is not the best way to assure obtaining good things, but from time to time you will get a rare piece.
Regarding Black Desert, there are two ways to do the trading activities: through Trader Manager or via the Auction House. The items you get vi Trader Manager cannot be sold in the secondary market. On the other hand, in the Auctions House, you can bargain a few items thanks to the points of energy.
BDO vs FFXIV graphics, storytelling, and stuff
Last but not least. Crafting, Gathering, Grinding, Fishing, and Housing are integral parts of any MMO. These elements feed and enrich entirely the plot of the game, expanding the possibilities and avoiding the lack of sense. Furthermore, the purpose of these mechanics is to improve your character´s stats or get hold of some hard-to-get items. If you tried both games, then you know you can find all these elements.
Anything you can truly see on both games, including the animations and music, is, maybe, a high sign of the plot, the concept, and the art behind them. On the other hand, the graphics are a good sample of the engine of the generation.
The strong point here is the contrast and the good chroma handling.
Both games have PvP and PvE systems, through which you can gain lots of rewards facing other players and enemies. Dungeons Raids or take part in the Gear Grind also are a good path to get experience and Gil. The compared experiences are not very different from each other.
Black Desert Online vs FFXIV conclusions
Like we said at the beginning of this article (and after having completed both games), Black Desert and Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn offers two of the best MMORPG experiences of the world of video games and hours and hours of fun enough. Players seem to actually enjoy them. Both games are, for sure, at the top of the pantheon of games and have millions of fans around the world. Neither is a waste of time.
Regarding the first title, it was published for Microsoft Windows in 2015, and for Android, iOs, Xbox One, and PS 4 in 2020. Playing BDO offers to spend the time in a great but limited experience in a middle-earth-like universe, where magic and strength are the strongest weapons available.
The second one, FFXIV, released many years ago (we hope to see a new version soon on PS5), is the type of MMOs that combines perfectly the mode of a magical world with the structure of a technological, and come back to a very common formula a long time ago of the first consoles. Due to this nature, players realize this setting and they can only say that it is a great one.
In a quick view, the gaming, the play style, and feeling when you play FFXIV and Black Desert are quite different, but both keep the spirit of the first and classic MMOs, especially the first one. In fact, the sensation of adventure in these ones is primordial. This is a good reason to play both.
If you have the time and you are able to play both games, then it is your turn to play them; you will enjoy it, inside and outside the game! Go ahead and try it!
So far one of the best reports that we have ever made on these two excellent games. Thanks for taking the time to read our true thoughts in this post. Certainly, we are trying the best. If you expect something else, for example, other posts about these two games, you can browse or do a quick search on our web site and check the other articles we write every week unless you have already done. Ask us for some special guides or some special topic if you need specific info. Please, just tell us, there is nothing to prevent it. Just keep your attention; you will have news very soon.
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At the endgame, which game is better, Black desert or FFXIV?
Definitely, if we compare both games and we got all the info, we don’t believe that there is a game better than the other. We are saying, if we work to make a survey, probably the votes would be fifty-fifty. If you have some of the versions for PC, PS4, or Xbox One, give both games a chance. At first place test one. If you don't like it, move to the next. Then choose the best for your convenience. In the end game, you will thank us.
Is Black Desert or Final Fantasy XIV p2w?
According to general opinions, and IMO, I could say the answer is no. Of course, if you want to build your path within the game and access all the content as a player, you need to pay; some special content is locked. But within the game, there are no differences between players regarding if they pay or not. BDO has a cash shop, which is a good alternative if you want to improve quickly in the game.
Do I have to pay a subscription to play FFXIV?
The business model of FFXIV works based on differential subs. In this subscription model, FFXIV gives you a certain number of characters you can control on any server. In the basic, you can control 8 characters. In the higher subscription, until 40. Of course, you don’t have to pay any fee for this. For more details, visit the FFXIV Lodestone.
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