Is Astellia free to play - Payment model of Astellia Online

Astellia Online is a multiplayer role-playing game released in September of 2018 in South Korea. The game didn't succeed in the eastern market and had to close down its servers in January of 2020. Multiple compromises were made before the European release, which happened in June of 2019 just to make the game more appealing to the western audiences. Now many people ask the question: Is Astellia Online free to play? Here we have some answers.
Is it a free-to-play game?
In short - it is not. The game was released months ago in a Buy-to-play model, which means that you have to purchase specific packages, and they will give you game access before you are able to play. On top of that, a player who wishes to subscribe to a monthly payment plan can also gain access to the game - the initial fee will be smaller and can be canceled at any time, but the player won't receive bonuses which are included in the packs. Here are all of the payment options that you can choose for your account.
Astellia Subscription
A subscription allows players to play the game for a monthly fee. At any given moment, players can also purchase that package that will provide them with permanent access to the game. The subscription cost is a 9.99$ for a month. Subscription is currently the best way to test the game without paying full price for it and waiting for free weekends.
Astellia Packages
There are currently three types of packages at different pricing that include the full version of the game. Each of them comes with various bonuses that can be used during the gameplay. Even though the item shop in the game doesn't give an unfair advantage to players who wish to pay for the equipment from it, the initial packages come with items that will help during the early stages of the game.
- Standard Package 26.99$
-Game License
-Norden's Favor (30 days)
-Niar's Passing (30 days)
-Scroll of Exploration x3
- Value Package 39.99$
-Game License
-Norden's Favor (30 days)
-Niar's Passing (30 days)
-Scroll of Exploration x5
-Astel Skin (Special Edition)
-Character Slot Expansion
-Warehouse Expansion (+100)
-Appearance Change Coupon
- Deluxe Package 55.99$
-Game License
-Norden's Favor (30 days) x2
-Niar's Passing (30 days) x2
-Scroll of Exploration x5
-Astel Skin (Special Edition)
-Character Slot Expansion x2
-Warehouse Expansion (+100) x2
-Appearance Change Coupon x2
-Ring of Exploration
-Equipment Skin (Weapon and Armor) Box.
Free Weekends
Every now and then, the game producers give new users a chance to test the game without a payment. It is called "Free Weekend." There are no exact dates when that happens, so if you want to have a free shot at trying the game out, you should follow Astellia on social media and regularly read recent news on their website. The game developers might post there information that will tell about future Free Weekends with dates and details. It is the best way to see for yourself if Astellia is worth buying or not. However, keep in mind that's only for 2-3 days, and you might not see what this game has to offer later on. To have a better view on that matter - consider a one-month subscription.
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About the game
Just before the game release, Astellia has been described by the developers as a "love letter to Classic MMORPG". Game creators wanted to create a huge online multiplayer title that would connect the Old School genre fanatics and a new generation of players who would rather play more straightforward games. Barunson E&A localized the game so it could reach both western and eastern audience, but on the eastern side of the world, they didn't manage to succeed, and the game shut the servers down at the start of 2020. Right now, there is only a EU&NA version of Astellia that's operating as a standalone title and a Steam platform product.
The game features five classes that can be furthermore expanded into additional subclasses. With them, players can explore the fantasy world that doesn't stray from steampunk and medieval elements. Here you will see cute anime girls in short skirts next to the fearsome warriors that wear heavy plates. The world is large and engaging, and graphics are well designed. However, the theme of locations seems to be kind of repetitive. The grind is slow and not too interesting but granted that skills look spectacular; it doesn't get extremely boring. The main feature of the game, however, are the Astels - unique pets that can be acquired from bosses as a drop. Those trusty companions can be improved through the various statistics and cosmetic items.
In the end, if you are looking for a game that gives players a linear leveling system and everything that you may know from the generic MMO's, Astellia might be just for you. It is a decent game with good graphics, sound, classes, and an extraordinary pet system; however, it suffers from the small player base, dull endgame, and a buy-to-play model. It might not be a game for long years, but it is something that might appeal to the old-school audience. Based on the developer's video stream the next game anniversary might be a big one so it might be the last chance for Astellia to set a name for itself on the market.
Is it worth the money?
As mentioned before, Astellia is a decent but generic multiplayer game that takes its inspiration from older titles like Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy XIV, and similar Playstation 4 and PC MMORPG's. While it might seem appealing to some players, the game is just a remake of everything that has been done before. Astel system is the only thing that stands out as a revolutionary system. Yet still, it doesn't cover for the lack of endgame content and a player base that is diminishing daily.
Astellia is a good game that suffered from the decisions made by the company that released this title. Since the release date was close to the release of Archeage Unchained, the MMORPG player base was split in half between those two beta's, and in the end, both games suffered from that. Besides - a buy-to-play model feels out of place for Astellia as there is barely anything revolutionary about this game. If it was for a free title with a paid option, all of these flaws could have been overlooked. However, from a buy-to-play game, customers can require higher standards that they get in the form of Astellia. We believe that the game's price is a little bit too much; however, if you have spare dollars and you want to see what all of this is about, then check out this title by yourself.
As the free trial of the game does not occur every week players who want to try out playing Astellia for the first time must wait sometimes months to get inside. The official game publisher did not share any plans for this massively multiplayer game to go free as for today. Because of that since the launch Studio 8 did not allow a large amount of Steam user base to test their product.
The new world of Astellia did not bring as many players to this title as it should have. For the amount of money that developers did spend on this product, there was much more to achieve. The game creators should have taken inspiration from the best in the industry like a Mike Zadorojny or Mike Silbowitz. Instead, the Game Director did not take enough action during beta testing, and the title turned out only to be only mediocre. With much more attention to the details, Astellia could have been a great MMORPG with an interesting Astel system, great graphics, and flashy skills. The lack of endgame content and the diminishing player base is what turns off most of the players from trying this game out.
Those of you who search for a stereotypical Korean MMORPGs with the PvE combat system that revolves around the class like Assassin, Warrior, Archer, and Mage MMOs like Astellia should fit your needs. Oldschool MMOs had very grindy PvE and quite simple PvP battle systems. The latest release of Astellia was meant to bring a group of players who wanted to re live the glory days of MMOs but instead they were given a type of game that looks new but and acts old. Every year gaming community played titles like this one. Astellia wasn't meant to thrive and we already have seen it coming even before the release. The game reviews were mostly positive but in the end, the population diminished way too quickly.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to upgrade from one package to another?
You can always upgrade your package for a better one.
Is it possible to switch from subscription to packages?
Yes, you can purchase the package and cancel the subscription.
Can I gift a package to my friends?
There is no option to gift packages as for now.
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