NCSoft launches Classic Lineage II servers

Fans of old-school Lineage 2 everywhere are surely excited as NCSoft dropped quite a bomb in their recent announcement of opening a nostalgia-trip Classic Servers.
The new servers will take the players back to the early 2000s but with some technical and graphical improvements. The leveling experience, races, and classes, however, will be the same as in pre “Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction” era. Those new Lineage 2 Classic servers will be named Talking Island and Giran.
Despite there being European and Russian classic servers run by a different company: Innova, NCSoft plans on having two Classic servers, one fit for NA timezone and one for EU.
Classic server launch is planned for October 3rd and upon its release players will be able to, once again, experience Lineage in all its original glory. Official FAQ states that the initial Classic release will not have the Olympiad, Castle, and Fortress sieges or Clan Hall auctions but those features will be released in the future updates.
The initial level cap on Classic servers will be set on level 70 and features recently added to Lineage II such as LCK and CHA stats will be removed to “retain the fidelity of the old days”, same goes for the Auction House, Vitality and Noblesse systems.
Lineage II classic will be free-to-play with an in-game cash shop. To learn more about the upcoming release of the classic head over to the official FAQ published by NCSoft.
We have Lineage II Adena available for multiple servers. |
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