PSO2 Skill Rings | How to Craft and Use Rings

Phantasy Star Online 2 is Sega’s flagship MMO franchise. It has vast worlds, tons of classes to play, and lots of customization tools. It even has some crossovers with some of Sega’s most popular franchises. So what’s not to love about this game?
With four races to choose from and nine different classes, you have a lot of customization for your characters. And that’s not even counting the mods for the game. If you are a fan of the series or are a beginner still trying to figure everything out, we’ve got you covered. You’ll find plenty more guides on the site to help use your Phantasy Star Online 2 Visiphone to good use and travel across the universe.
Table of contents:
Where Can You Find Skill Rings?
Best Skill Rings for Each Class
What are Skill Rings?
Skill Rings in PSO2 are pieces of equipment that give you passive skills or a less powerful skill from another class. PSO2 rings gain levels as you do, each with its own EXP requirements. 5% of the experience you gain goes into the ring. But it’s not quite as simple as that. You see, Rings have grind caps. And to access those grind caps, you’ll need to unlock them through Dudu or Monica. They’ll ask you for some Gathering Materials and Grinders. You won’t get the level-up benefits unless you “pay” for the Grind Cap. They are as follow:
- 30,000 Mesetas for each attempt,
- From level 1 — 5: Rocks and Grinders,
- From level 6 — 10: Gems, Rocks, and Grinders,
- Form level 11 — 20: Grinders, Lambda Grinders, Rocks, and Gems. Unlike the PSO2 Skill tree, skill rings function as a second way to customize your abilities and gain extra buffs. They are similar to PSO2 units in that regard, but they tend to give more passive bonuses to your attacks and skills.
Left Rings: These skill rings give quality of life improvements to many aspects of combat. In short, they’ll increase damage.
Right Rings: They allow you to use weaker versions of other classes' skills. You can’t use skill rings from your class, meaning you can’t stack skills. Some Right rings contain Effort Symbols instead.
Try to choose the rings that best fit your current build. It’s ok to have multiple if you are planning on multiclassing or try to level up each class accordingly.
After the episode 5 update, you are now able to equip your Left Skill rings into your Units, meaning that you can have 4 Left Rings equipped at a time. But the Units need to be 12 starts, so prepare accordingly. If planning on equipping units with rings, we recommend you get a set of said Units. This way, you can customize each build accordingly when you change your class or weapon. Units linked with skill rings are unable to be traded. The process of linking them together costs 100K Mesetas. Thus, better grind for those if you want that full set of Linked Units.
Where Can You Find Skill Rings?
You can buy many from the PSO2 player shops, but don’t expect them to be cheap. After all, they are not as easy to get or grind. Now, if you rather do the grinding yourself and try to save up some money, try the in-game shops. They all ask for some Meseta and some materials. You’ll find the first Skill Ring shop in Franka’s Cafe, and the second one in a console in the Campship.
PSO2 Skill ring shop
Find Skill Rings in the Camship shop
These are the central Phantasy Star Online 2 shops where you can find skill rings other than player shops. You’ll get some skill rings as quest rewards, too, so be on the lookout for them.
Best Skill Rings for Each Class
While every build and character can be created differently, and every skill can shine in the right setting, some Ring Skills are just better than others from a min-maxer perspective.
If you are the kind of guy that loves to rush straight up into the dragon’s attack range, you are a Hunter. You’ll be mobile to go in and out of combat, and excel in Swords, Wired Lances, and Partizans. So, with that being said, here are the best rings for the hunter class.
Left Rings: Hunter Focus Preservation / Perfect Guard Counter
Right Rings:Perfectionist: Melee / PP Conversion
Hunter Focus Preservation (L)
Effect: If Hunter Focus Boost is enabled, decrease the consumption and reduction for Hunter Weapon Focus.
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Forest Emerald x1.
Perfect Guard Counter (L)
Gives you the effects of “Perfect Guard Sonic Arrow,” “Perfect Guard Impact Rise,” and “Perfect Guard Heavenly Drop” at level 20.
Materials: Perfect Guard Sonic Arrow (L)+20, Perfect Heavenly Drop (L)+20, Perfect Guard Impact Rise (L)+20.
Perfectionist: Melee (R)
It increases the damage of Striking Attacks when your HP is above a certain threshold. Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Ruins Amethyst x1.
PP Conversion (R)
Allows you to use the Active Skill “PP Convert.” For a small time window, it reduces your max HP to increase natural PP.
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Ruins Amethyst x1.
If you ever dreamed of doing damage, you’ve come to the right place. Fighters deal tons of damage at the cost of keeping their own HP low. It’s a high-risk high-reward kind of class. If you want to maximize damage with a Fighter, here are the best rings for you:
Left Rings: Leaping Dodge / Whirlwind and Pursuit Support / Mate Maniac / Atomizer Fanatic Right Rings: Valor Emblem / Critical Field / PP Conversion.
Leaping Dodge (L)
Let you use the Active Skill “Leaping Dodge.” Gain Altitude when evading attacks. Materials: Harukotan Rock x3, Daybreak Province Moon Stone x1.
Whirlwind and Pursuit Support (L)
Gives you the effects of “Twin Daggers Air Pursuit,” “Double Saber Whirlwind,” and “Knuckles Pursuit” at level 20.
Materials: Twin Daggers Air Pursuit L20, Double Saber Whirlwind L20, and Knuckles Pursuit L20.
Mate Maniac (L)
Increases the consumption rate of Mates and their recovery rate.
Materials: Lillipan Rock x3, Desert Topaz x1
Atomizer Fanatic (L)
Increases the consumption animation of Atomizers and increases the recovery rate. Prevents damage from attacks during this time.
Materials: Harukotan Rock x3, Nightfall Province Hematite x1
Valor Emblem (R)
Raises your damage output and crit rate and reduces damage taken. Materials: You’ll need to complete a certain quest to be able to get the materials.
Critical Field (R)
Allows you to use the Active Skill “Critical Field.” For a small amount of time, create a field that increases the Crit Ratio of all players.
Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Seabed Tanzanite x1.
PP Conversion (R)
Allows you to use the Active Skill “PP Convert.” For a small time window, it reduces your max HP to increase natural PP.
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Ruins Amethyst x1.
Ranger, the classic long-ranged attacker, always ready to support the team with DPS. Because nothing spells support as good as killing the enemies. They use assault rifles and Launchers. In short, here are the best Phantasy Star Online 2 rings for the class:
Left Rings: Precision Blight Rounds / Launcher Non-Weak Bonus
Right Rings: Perfectionist Ranged
Precision Blight Rounds (L)
Your Blight Rounds hit through walls.
Materials: Harukotan Rock x3, Nightfall Province Hematite x6, Lambda Grinder x15.
Launcher Non-Weak Bonus (L)
All your Launcher damage gain the effects of “Advance Precision Hit 1” and “Advance Precision Hit 2.”
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Tundra Amber x1.
Perfectionist: Ranged (R)
It increases the damage of Striking Attacks when your HP is above a certain threshold.
Materials: Earth Rock x3, Tokyo Opal x1.
Gunners are masters of single target damage. Perfect for boss fights and for killing key targets in battles. They have excellent mobility but are quite difficult to master. These are the best rings for Gunners.
Left Ring: Time After Time Preserve / Forward Stylish Roll / TMG Stance Up Right Ring: Critical Strike: Ranged / Valor Emblem
Time After Time Preserve (L)
Increase the damage you can take during Showtime before high time resumes. Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Ruins Amethyst x1.
Forward Stylish Roll (L)
Gives you the effects of “Time After Time Preserve” and “Forward Stylish Roll” at level 20. Materials: Time After Time Preserve L20, Forward Stylish Roll L20.
TMG Stance Up (L)
When a Stance is active, increase Striking and Ranged damage while Twin Machine Guns are equipped.
Materials: Amduskian Rock x3, Dragon Altar Zircon x1.
Critical Strike: Ranged (R)
Increases the critical rate and provides a critical damage bonus for your ranged attacks. Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Coast Sapphire x1.
Valor Emblem (R)
Raises your damage output and crit rate and reduces damage taken.
Materials: You’ll need to complete a certain quest to be able to get the materials.
It’s like magic but not exactly. The Force is the primary magic class. They can cast them through the use of their techniques. They can boost and heal allies, so they are invaluable to any team. For rings:
Left Ring: Defense Techniques / Talis Prolong
Right Ring: Perfectionist Tech
Defense Techniques (L)
It gives you the effects of “Technique Charge Party” and “Quick Illusion” at level 20. Materials: Technique Charge Party L20, Quick Illusion L20.
Talis Prolong (L)
Extends the duration of a thrown Talis before it disappears.
Materials: Lillipan Rocks x3, Abandoned Mine Lapis Lazuli x1.
Perfectionist Tech ®
Increases the damage of your Technique attacks when your HP is above a certain HP threshold.
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Forest Emerald x1.
A perfect mix between melee and Technique based combat. These melee casters can buff and self-buff themselves to deal tons of damage. Now, for their rings:
Left Ring: Alternate Wand E. Change / Technique Charge Parry / Defense Techniques Right Ring: Enhanced Attack
Alternate Wand E. Change (L)
While wearing wands, charge a Techniques to change the active Elements of your weapon and Tech Explosions. Omits Zanverse, Megiverse, and Zondeel.
Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Seabed Tanzanite x6, Lambda Grinder x15.
Technique Charge Parry (L)
If you charge a Technique, you create Perfect Guard frames on startup. Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Forest Emerald x1.
Defense Techniques (L)
Gives you the effects of “Technique Charge Parry,” “Quick Illusion” at level 20. Materials: Technique Charge Parry L20, Quick Illusion L20.
Enhanced Attack (R)
Increase your damage for your normal attacks.
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Forest Emerald x1.
Have you ever wanted to feel like a true anime protagonist? Play the Braver class with either Katanas or Bullet Bows. You’ll be nuking enemies left and right. This is probably the most popular class, and for a good reason! It’s super fun. Need a new ring? Look at these options.
Left Ring: Katana Combat Hitcount Up/ Katana Focus Guard Release / Bow Homing Right Ring:Critical Strike: Melee / Critical Strike: Ranged
Katana Combat Hitcount Up (L)
Increases the number of hits each hit inflicted for Katana Combat.
Materials: Aamduscia Rock x1, Sanctum Zircon x1.
Katana Focus Guard Release (L)
If your Focus Gauge is maxed out, hold the Guard button for 3s to force the activation of Katana Focus.
Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Coast Sapphire x1.
Bow Homing (L)
Add a homing property for Bow’s Charged Normal Attack.
Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Floating Facility Tourmaline x1.
Critical Strike: Melee (R)
Increases the critical rate and provides a critical damage bonus for your melee attacks. Materials: Earth Rock x3, Tokyo Opal x1.
Critical Strike: Ranged (R)
Increases the critical rate and provides a critical damage bonus for your ranged attacks. Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Coast Sapphire x1.
These masters of the air can both fight close range while using techniques that support their teammates. From burst damage to DPS buffs, you can’t go wrong by playing a Bouncer. For rings, try these:
Left Ring: Soaring Blades Tackle / Jet Boots Combo Variant SC / Kick and Tackle Right Ring: Critical Strike / Critical Strike: Melee / Perfectionist
Soaring Blades Tackle (L)
Deal strike damage to enemies when moving using Soaring Blade Weapon Action. Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Coast Sapphire x1.
Jet Boots Combo Variant SC (L)
Shortens Technique charge time when following a Jet Boots PA.
Kick and Tackle (L)
Gives you the effects of “Soaring Blade Tackle” and “Jet Boots Combo Variant SC” at level 20.
Materials: Soaring Blade Tackle L20, Jet Boots Combo Variant SC L20.
Critical Strike (R)
Gives you the effects of Critical Strike: Melee, Critical Strike: Ranged, Critical Strike: Technique.
Materials: Critical Strike: Melee L20, Critical Strike: Ranged L20, Critical Strike: Technique L20.
Critical Strike: Melee (R)
Increases the critical rate and provides a critical damage bonus for your melee attacks. Materials: Earth Rock x3, Tokyo Opal x1.
Perfectionist (R)
Gives you the effects of Perfectionist: Melee, Perfectionist: Ranged, Perfectionist: Technique.
Materials: Perfectionist: Melee L20, Perfectionist: Ranged L20, Perfectionist: Technique L20.
If you have a thing for Pokemon and strange creatures, you should try out a Summoner. Their pets give them answers to most situations, but a Summoner is also really hard to master. You should try out these rings:
Left Ring: Defense Techniques / Leaping Dodge / Mag Excitement / Nearby Auto Target / Atomizer Fanatic
Right Ring: Valor Emblem / PP Conversion / Hunter Physique
Defense Techniques (L)
Gives you the effects of “Technique Charge Party” and “Quick Illusion” at level 20. Materials: Technique Charge Party L20, Quick Illusion L20.
Leaping Dodge (L)
Let you use the Active Skill “Leaping Dodge.” Gain Altitude when evading attacks. Materials: Harukotan Rock x3, Daybreak Province Moon Stone x1.
Mag Excitement (L)
Increase the power of your Mag’s Auto Action and reduces its cooldown Materials: Wopal Rock x3, Seabed Tanzanite x1.
Nearby Auto Target (L)
Your pets will automatically attack nearby enemies.
Materials: Lillipan Rock x3, Underground Shafts Peridot x6, Lambda Grinder x15.
Atomizer Fanatic (L)
Accelerates the consumption animation of Atomizers and increases their recovery rate. Prevents damage from attacks during this time.
Materials: Harukotan Rock x3, Nightfall Province Hematite x1.
Valor Emblem (R)
Raise your damage output and crit rate and reduce damage taken. Materials: You’ll need to complete a certain quest to be able to get the materials.
PP Conversion (R)
Allows you to use the Active Skill “PP Convert.” For a small time window, it reduces your max HP to increase natural PP.
Materials: Naverius Rock x3, Ruins Amethyst x1.
Final Words on PSO2 Rings
Nothing is set in stone, these are only suggestions by the community so you build for maximum DPS. Also, take into account that the +3 Left Ring patch has been released recently, so new optimized builds are still being discovered.
You can’t go wrong having certain skill rings with certain classes, like quick blaster (L), Elemental Keep (L), Effort Symbol (L) rings, High Time Keep (L), or JG Sonic Arrow (L),
Weak Hit PP Gain (L). At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference. If you want to use the JG Sonic Arrow (L) ring or the Jet Boots for another build not listed here, go for it.
Don’t be afraid to try out new things, but it’s always good to have a solid foundation from where to start. We hope you find this guide useful. Leave us a comment, and share your thoughts!
How do you get a skill ring in PSO2?
Go to the shop in Franka’s Cafe or the one on the Camship. Other than that, you can find them in the player shops. They do everything, so use them and grind as much as you can.
What does DEX do in PSO2?
It’s the stat that lets you equip and use certain items, like a katana, combat enemies with bullet bows, and gunslashes. The Braver class is associated with a High Dex Stat.
What is perfect recovery PSO2?
It refers to a skill in which, after getting hit, you hit the jump button just before hitting the ground. Therefore, it greatly reduces the time it gets you to get up (or recover).
What is the max level in PSO2?
Level 90. The level Cap was increased this year. Since you can easily change from a class to another, you could potentially gain the max level on each class with a single character.
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