FFXIV Trust System - Starting the Path With Your Favorite NPCs

Final Fantasy XIV offers you the possibility of creating a team with NPCs. This feature is called FFXIV Trust System. Keep reading this article, and you learn everything about this element, including:
- What is the FF14 Trust System
- Which are the FFXIV Shadowbringers dungeons avaiñable for this system
- Which are the NPCs who you can make a team
First, we will take a quick glance at the general aspects of the FFXIV Trust System.
Second, we will address all the dungeons and their essential info.
Last, we will show you all the NPCs you can select and their roles.
Table of contents:
What is the FFXIV Trust System?
How to Unlock the Trust System?
Trust System Shadowbringers Dungeons
Final Fantasy FFXIV Trust System Party Members
Final-Fantasy 14 Trust System Conclusions
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What is the FFXIV Trust System?
The trust system is a special feature of FFXIV introduced in the third expansion, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. Like a very similar FFXI and Adventurer Squadrons element introduced in Patch 3.4, Trust System allows you to create a light party to participate in some unique dungeons.
Trust System NPC member.
The light party you can create is made by you and three NPCs members of the Scions of the seventh dawn and others. Each of these characters has their own job and role in the party. Remember that a light party is made up of 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 DPS.
The Trust System has two elements: Scenario Mode and Avatars Mode.
Scenario Mode
Regarding the Trust System, Scenario Mode is the first way to participate in it; just approach a dungeon previously cleared. You will see several allies standing near the dungeon entrance. Just talk with them to add them to the party.
In Scenario Mode, the NPCs always are in the minimum required level, the chests have fewer rewards, and some enemies do not drop items.
Avatar Mode
Entering the Avatar Mode of Trust System requires you to complete the main scenario quest Shadowbringer. When you do this, Scenario Mode is locked.
To access this mode, just go to the FF14 Duty Finder, select Trust. In the new window that appears, select the dungeon and your companions.
In Avatar mode, NPCs start at level 71 and gain experience through the duty. Reaching level 80 with a character unlocks a new appearance.
When all characters reach level 80, Scenario Mode is unlocked, and you will be rewarded with the achievement ‘Bound by Faith’ and the title ‘Trusted Friend.’
How to Unlock the Trust System?
You can access Trust System and Scenario Mode for the first time by unlocking the level 71 dungeon, Holminster Switch. To use this element in other cleared duties, you need to complete that duty even once. In the main scenario, the available characters depend on the dungeon.
Trust System Shadowbringers Dungeons
There are only 10 dungeons available in the Trust System until the day we write this article. All these dungeons are located in the Norvrandr region of the Shadowbringer expansion.
Holminster Switch
This is a level 71 dungeon through which you can unlock the Trust System. It was released in Patch 5.0 and is located in Lakeland. To unlock this dungeon, you must complete the Shadowbringers main scenario quest, ‘The Lightwardens.’
The Lightwardens info:
- Quest Giver: Crystal Exarch
- Location: The Ocular (The Crystarium)
- Experience: 500,000
- Gil: 4,663
Holminster Twitch objectives:
- Arrive at the Wound
- Clear the Wound
- Arrive at the Auction
- Clear the Auction
- Arrive at the Manor House Courtyard
Dohn Mheg
This level 73 dungeon is located in Il Mheg (kingdom of Rainbows - Norvrandt). To unlock this dungeon, you must complete the Shadowbringers main scenario quest, ‘The Key to the Castle.’
The Key to the Castle info:
- Quest Giver: Sul Uin
- Location: Il Mheg (Norvrandt - The First)
- Experience: 580,000
- Gil: 4,493
Dohn Mheg objectives:
- Cross Hidden Gardens and enter Teag Gye
- Defeat Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze
- Arrive at the Wanderlust and defeat Griaule
- Head Dohn Lran and the Throne Room and beat Aenc Thon, Lord of the Length Gait
Qitana Ravel
Qitana Ravel is a level 75 dungeon located in The Rak’tika Greatwood (Norvrandt - The First). To access this quest, you mission to finish the main scenario quest, ‘The Burden of Knowledge.’
The Burden of Knowledge info:
- Quest Giver: Almet
- Location: The Rak’tika Greatwood
- Experience: 660,000
- Gil: 4,384
Qitana Ravel objectives:
- Arrive and clear the Divine Threshold
- Arrive and clear the Shallowed Hollow
- Arrive at the Song of Ox’Gatori and defeat Eros
Malikah’s Well
The location of this level 7 desert dungeon is in Amh Araeng in Norvrandt. To enter this dungeon, you must first complete the level 77 quest ‘A Fresh Start.’
A Fresh Start data:
- Quest Giver: Ryne
- Location: Amh Araeng
- Experience: 740,000
- Gil: 4,580
Malikah’s Well objectives:
- Arrive and clear the Terminus
- Arrive and clear the Malikah´s Gift
- Arrive at Unquestioned Acceptance and defeat Storge
Mt. Gulg
Mt. Gulg is a level 79 dungeon of Shadowbringers located in Mt. Gulg (Norvrandt). The unlocking quest of this dungeon is the level 79 main scenario quest ‘Extinguishing the Last Light.’
Extinguishing the Last Light info:
- Quest Giver: Chai-Nuzz
- Location: Kholusia
- Experience: 820,000
- Gil: 7.632
Mt. Gulg objectives:
- Arrive and clear the Perished Path
- Arrive and clear the White Gate
- Arrive at the Winding Fire and beat the Forgiven Obscenity
Amaurot is a level 80 main scenario dungeon located in the zone with the same name, in Norvrandt. Entering this dungeon requires the completion of the quest ‘Shadowbringers.’
Shadowbringers info:
- Quest Giver: Alisaie
- Location: The Tempest
- Experience: 0
- Gil: 7,500
Amaurot info:
- Bear witness and endure the first doom
- Bear witness and endure the second doom
- Bear witness to the third doom and defeat Therion
The Grand Cosmos
This is a level 80 dungeon released in Patch 5.1 and located in Lakeland. To enter this building, you need to complete the main scenario quest, ‘A Grand Adventure.’
A Grand Adventure info:
- Quest Giver: Crystal Exarch
- Location: The Ocular
- Experience: 0
- Gil: 4,800
The Grand Cosmos objectives:
- Arrive and clear the Martial Court
- Arrive and clear the Font of Quintessence
- Arrive at the Chamber of Celestial Song and defeat Lugus
Anamnesis Anyder
This is another level 80 main scenario dungeon. Anamnesis Anyder is located in Kholusia, in Norvrandt, the First. The unlocking quest of this duty is ‘Beneath the Surface.’
Beneath the Surface data:
- Quest Giver: Urianger
- Location: Lakeland
- Experience: 0
- Gil: 4,000
Anamnesis Anyder objectives:
- Arrive and clear the Katharsis
- Arrive and clear the Doxa
- Arrive at Doesis and beat Rukshs Dheem
The Heroes’ Gauntlet
This is a level 80 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers released in Patch 5.3. The entrance of this quest is in Eulmore. Unlocking it requires completion of the quest ‘The Converging Light.’
The Converging Light info:
- Quest Giver: Y’shtola
- Location: Eulmore
- Experience: 0
- Gil: 5,353
The Heroes’ Gauntlet objectives:
- Arrive and clear the Mount Argan Mines
- Arrive and clear the Summer Ballroom
- Arrive at the Illuminated Plaza and defeat the Spectral Berserker
Matoya’s Relict
The last dungeon of this section also is a level 80 main scenario dungeon. You need to successfully finish the FFXIV main scenario quest ‘Like Master, Like Pupil’ to unlock it.
Like Master, Like Pupil info:
- Quest Giver: Y’shtola
- Location: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
- FFXIV Experience: 0
- Gil: 4,000
Matoya’s Relict objectives:
- Arrive and open the Claydot Cauldron 0/1
- Arrive and clear the Clearnote Cauldron 0/1
- Arrive at the Kilnfire Cauldron 0/1 and defeat the Mother Porxie
Final Fantasy XIV Trust System Party Members
Most of the non-playable characters you can select to participate in the Trust System are members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Didn’t you always want to play a raid with them? Now it is your time to do it!
Minfilia / Ryne
Minfilia is the leader of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in FFXIV. Ryne, instead, is one of many reincarnations of Minfilia. Both fulfill the role of Oracle of Light in the Trust System.
Scenario Mode Availability:
- Dohn Mheg
- The Qitana Ravel
- Malikah´s Well
- Mt. Gulg
- Amaurot
- Anamnesis Anyder
- The Heroes’ Gauntlet
Avatar Mode: Yes
Thancred Waters
Thancred is one of the main characters in the plot of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. He fulfills the role of a tank as a Gunbreaker.
Scenario Mode Availability:
- Dohn Mheg
- The Qitana Ravel
- Malikah´s Well
- Mt. Gulg
- Amaurot
- Anamnesis Anyder
- The Heroes’ Gauntlet
Avatar Mode: Yes
Y’shtola Rhul
Another of the main characters and a high member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in Final Fantasy XIV. She’s a miqo'te who fulfills the role of magic-ranged DPS as a Black Mage in FFXIV.
Scenario Mode Availability:
- The Qitana Ravel
- Malikah´s Well
- Mt. Gulg
- Amaurot
- The Grand Cosmos
- Anamnesis Anyder
- The Heroes’ Gauntlet
- Matoya´s Relict
Avatar Mode: Yes
Urianger Augurelt
Urianger is a powerful FFXIV healer who holds the job of Astrologian. He was one of the primary characters in the Seventh Astral Era storyline.
FFXIV Scenario Mode Availability:
- Dohn Mheg
- The Qitana Ravel
- Malikah´s Well
- Mt. Gulg
- Amaurot
- Anamnesis Anyder
- The Heroes’ Gauntlet
Avatar Mode: Yes
Alphinaud Leveilleur
An enigmatic character who makes his appearance in the Seventh Astral Era storyline and later becomes the primary companion to the Warrior of Light. He fulfills the role of a Healer in the Trust System.
FFXIV Scenario Mode Availability:
- Holminster Switch
- Dohn Mheg
- Malikah´s Well
- Mt. Gulg
- Amaurot
- The Grand Cosmos
- Anamnesis Anyder
- The Heroes’ Gauntlet
- Matoya´s Relict
Avatar Mode: Yes
Alisaie Leveilleur
Alisaie is a Red Mage in FFXIV Trust System. She is the younger sister of Alphinaud in FFXIV and one of the main characters in the Binding Coil of Bahamut.
FFXIV Scenario Mode Availability:
- Holminster Switch
- Dohn Mheg
- Malikah´s Well
- Mt. Gulg
- Amaurot
- The Grand Cosmos
- Anamnesis Anyder
- The Heroes’ Gauntlet
- Matoya´s Relict
Avatar Mode: Yes
Crystal Exarch / G’raha Tia
G’raha Tia is a marksman and historian introduced in the Crystal Tower storyline. He can be a Paladin, a White Mage, or a Black Mage in FFXIV, depending on the desired role.
FFXIV Scenario Mode Availability:
- Holminster Switch
- The Grand Cosmos
- Matoya´s Relict
Avatar Mode: Yes
Lyna is a Guard Captain who appears for the first time in the third expansion of FFXIV: Shadowbringers. She fulfills the job of a Dancer.
FFXIV Scenario Mode Availability:
- Holminster Switch
Avatar Mode: Yes
Final Fantasy 14 Trust System Conclusions
FFXIV Trust system is an interesting end-game content that further expands the possibilities of interactions within dungeons. Besides, it is the only real solo content in the game in which you can decide which characters will be part of your team.
Every FFXIV expansion surprises us in a totally different way, and Shadowbringer and its Trust System are not the exceptions.
Beyond this, if you need Gil to buy anything inside the game, check the offers we have here, in Sellers and Friends. Click on the link below and improve your adventure in Eorzea!
How do I Use the Trust System FFXIV?
There are two ways. First, approach a previously cleared dungeon and speak with the NPCs that are nearing the zone. Second, once you finish the main scenario storyline, Shadowbringers, you must select Trust in the Duty Finder to access.
How do you Unlock a Trust System?
You can access Trust System and Scenario Mode for the first time by unlocking the level 71 dungeon, Holminster Switch. To use this element in other cleared duties, you need to complete that duty even once.
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