Trove classes - see what characters can you choose from

What would an MMORPG be without the typical class division? The variety is necessary to keep players attached and engaged. Offering different types of characters that cover various aspects of the game is a must these days.
Trove is no exception to it. There are multiple Trove classes for players to choose that we are going to break down today.
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What is the classification of Trove classes?
There are several ways that a character distinct from each other depending on the damage, weapon, play style, etc. Let’s have a look at it.
Trove Classes abilities and characteristics
Boomeranger is a very popular class as a starter, thanks to its versatility and adaptive capabilities. It can be both melee and ranged, and all you need for switching is to equip a proper weapon. Later on, he will have his patented Boomerang and bombs, that are extremely useful in terms of destroying blocks and farming. Among all classes, Boomeranger relies relatively heavily on cooldowns and abilities rather than energy, spawns, or basic attacks.
The biggest problem the Boomeranger has is the knockback built into his ultimate. The reason why is that sometimes it does more harm than good. He can throw the enemies out of someone's AoE spells, or even throw the boss away from the dungeon, making it impossible to complete it. Also, the ultimate chickens, which were extremely powerful and useful, got nerfed to the ground, making the whole class semi-viable. As for Shadow Towers, the Boomeranger is not in the best of shapes. Melee classes mostly suck in terms of ST, which forces the character to use the bow. The catch is that other classes do way more DPS, making the Boomeranger fall off in this regard.
Basic attack:
- Melee - you swing your weapon in 4 blocks range dealing 300% PD; it doesn't damage blocks,
- Bow - shooting arrows at your enemies over 24 blocks range; it deals 200% PD.
Finishing Blow:
- Melee - every third attack is a spin, damaging enemies twice,
- Bow - every third attack shoots three arrows that deal damage to enemies three times.
Boomerang - the character tosses his Boomerang in 22 blocks range, dealing 300% Physical Damage. It stuns a first target hit with a 1,5-second duration. The cooldown is 9 seconds, but If you catch it on its way back, it's reduced by 7 seconds.
Big Bomb - you throw a bomb that sticks to the target, exploding after a 2 seconds delay. It deals 500% PD 6 blocks up and 2 blocks out. The cooldown is 18 seconds.
Bawk-Bomb - it adds a special effect to the Big Bomb, which now spawns three hyper-aggressive chickens. Each one is dealing 65% PD.
Mysterious Urn - it's an ability that many players praise the Boomeranger for. The Urn that Boomeranger throws can have a random effect:
- 25% chance to pop into Cluster Bombs, dealing 400% PD in 2 blocks range,
- 25% chance to drop Cooldown Gems (8) that reduce the cooldowns of the Boomeranger and other Trovians,
- 25% chance to spawn three hyper-aggressive chickens to fight for the hero. Unlike the Bawk-Bomb chickens, these cannot be harmed, and they deal 200% PD,
- 25% chance to spawn Healing Gems (8) that will provide heal,
The ultimate has 30 seconds cooldown.
Candy Barbarian
It is a mighty fighter craving battle and sweets. He rushes into the fight in the name of his deity the Eis-Crom (ice cream?), throwing his thundercones to smash opponents. He is an energy-based class.
He's one of the most straightforward, beginner-friendly characters of all. He's melee, which teaches all newbies how to move, kite, and attack better than a ranged one. He's not the best at anything, but he's not the worst. The Candy Barb somewhat sits in the middle. His power grows steadily, not that he starts weak ending up strong, or the opposite. Due to his crowd control and moderate damage, he's quite useful in Shadow Towers.
Basic attack - the Barbarian slashes his dual-wielding weapons.
Gum Drop - while attacked, the Candy Barbarian has a chance to drop a Gum, which acts like a buff totem increasing attack speed and movement speed.
Vanilla Swirlwind - it's a spinning attack. Each enemy hit drops a Healing Candy, recovering 10% of your max HP. It deals 650% PD in 4 blocks radius.
Sugar Crash - the Barbarian jumps forward. Upon landing, he deals 450 Physical Damage in a 6 x 6 area. Also, he creates a Gum Drop for every opponent hit.
Scoop n'Gloop - the character jumps up and crashes down, dealing 450% PD. Also, it's vacuuming enemies within 3-4 blocks applying a brief snare.
Eis-Crom Cone - after dropping an ice cream cone 1-3 blocks before you, it deals 1500% PD damage in a 7 x 7 area, dropping Gum Drops and Healing Candies.
Chloromancer by many players is regarded as the worst, the least popular class to play. His boring, spawn-reliant playstyle that has not much to it other than seeding plants makes it dull and unengaging.
Basic attack - send light energy over 29 blocks that deals 100% MD and heals allies - 2% max HP for characters, and 12% of max HP for plants. Healing plants make them grow faster.
Phytobarrier - creates a shield for 30% max HP, blocking damage when the HP falls below 50%.
Green Gatling - grants an 8% chance to spawn a Green Gatling when using Blooming Pollinator or Leafy Lasher. The Green Gatling shoots a fast stream of projectiles at opponents.
Leafy Lasher - grows a plant that snares enemies, dealing 215% MD.
Blooming Pollinator - this plant heals allies while growing over 20 seconds. Once it fully develops, it explodes healing allies for 12,5% max HP and dealing 550% MD to up to 6 enemies.
Sow Chaos - throws random ten plants around.
His playstyle sort of forces him into the support role, maintaining great zone control and healing allies. His strategy mostly revolves around plants. Planting them, growing, and using against the enemies are his bread and butter, and his weak without it. He should do decently in Shadow Towers and Dungeons, but he's not top tier at it. Most players are using him for the utility.
Dino Tamer
It's one of the best farmers in the game, mostly due to his high movement speed, and great farming potential. On the other hand, it is basically the only reason people pick him up. After multiple nerfs to his pets, that made them essentially useless, the only thing he's good at is popping his ult, throwing the net, and shooting down mobs—end of the story.
Basic attack - it's a simple shooting dart, reaching 27 blocks.
Dino Buddy Food - as you slay an enemy that a Clever Snare debuff, it will yield a slice of meat for your Dino Buddy, resetting its cooldown.
Clever Snare - the Dino Tamer throws a net on the ground, rooting enemies, draining the energy, and dealing a lot of Damage over Time. Basic attacks refresh the debuff. Holding for a longer duration increases its properties. While on the Dino Mount, the net is max size, dealing 70% more damage.
Dino Buddy - throws meat on the ground that lures a random dinosaur ally:
- normal - 30% chance of summoning a Therizinosaurus (300% MD per 2 seconds), 30% for Quetzalcoatlus (50% MD per 1 second with a stun every 3rd attack), or 40% to call a Triceratops (50% MD every second; high HP and taunts),
- on Dino Mount - the chances of summoning each Dino Buddy are even, and upon the summoning, there is a shockwave stunning nearby enemies for 1,5 second.
Dino Mount - bread and butter for Dino Tamer. The character rides a unique dino mount, gaining increased movement speed and splash damage to basic attacks. It also gives an additional effect on your abilities.
Dino Time - enhances the duration and attack speed of the Dino Mount.
His playstyle revolves around the Dino Mount, catching mobs in the net, and AoE-ing them to death. You should make use of the high movement speed at all time.
It's one of the coolest old-school characters. Now that they gave him a 100% chance to spawn Baby Dragon, these little guys combined with his ultimate makes him as dope as can be. He is one of the most efficient classes in terms of doing Shadow Towers, with maybe a little hard time with the Hydra (Dracolyte is essentially melee), but all in all, he should be ok with others.
Basic Attack - a fire spell shot in the straight line, dealing 170% MD.
Fireborn - your attacks immolate your enemies, making them take 2,5% more damage from all sources for 5 seconds. This ability is handy in the group content. Also, Dracolyte is moving 75% faster when damaged by lava.
Spit Fire - it is a charged ability. Once you charge it, your familiar fires a fireball that deals 200% MD to first enemy hit, and then 400% MD splash damage. You charge the ability by damaging enemies.
Burnt Offering - the character throws a Dragon Idol onto the ground, which explodes with a 3 seconds delay. Attacking it may cause the bomb to go off earlier.
Burning Ward - as the Dragon Idol explodes, it spawns a Dracolyte minion.
Avatar of Flame - the ability transforms the Dracolyte into a Dragon with increased stats:
- +200 Stability,
- +10 Movement Speed,
- +50% MD,
- 50% Damage Reduction,
- +300% Health Regeneration,
- +100% basic attack damage.
Fae Trickster
First of all, if you're not into fairies, you may want to give it a pass. Fae Trickster is a Trove version of Sailor Moon, which for some of you may sound appealing, but for some - not. Also, the biggest advantage and a disadvantage at the same time is the high single-target damage of Fae Trickster. Although the character will do fine against bosses, it has not much use anywhere else, as it will struggle against a large pack of mobs, and even adds in the boss fight.
Basic attack - it's a magical energy projectile.
Ego Blast - if you don't take damage for 2 seconds, your basic attack's damage is doubled.
Fae-go my Ego - allows you to take one hit before the Ego Blast buff goes away. After 2 seconds of not taking damage, it refreshes.
Blink - blinks your character in the direction you're moving or facing, if not moving. There is a decoy left behind you that enemies will aggro onto—a great tool for kiting.
Faerocious Facsimile - the decoy from Blink is no longer immobile, closing on the enemies, exploding, and stunning them.
Glitter Bomb - you can throw a bomb anywhere from 1 block to 29 blocks away from you, that deals 450% MD and stuns enemies for 0.5 s.
Faerie Dance - the Trickster places three enchanted staves that attack his opponents for 15 seconds.
He's top tier in Shadow Towers, and one of the best classes in the whole game, mostly due to the insane damage output, one of the highest for ranged classes. This alone, combined with splash damage, makes him really strong in terms of both farming and PvE. The only problem that he has is the constant waiting for his ultimate, as its cooldown is pretty high.
Basic attack - nothing too fancy, your character simply shoots a projectile at enemies.
Lucky Shot - damaging foes gives you a chance to gain a max Charge Shot. Also, basic attacks are reducing your falling speed.
Charge Shot - as the name suggests, you are charging your next shot. The duration of charging determines the effect of a shot:
- Low charge (x < 1s) - 150% MD single-target, 31 blocks range,
- Mid Charge (1s< x < 1,29s) - 200% MD, 3x3 splash damage, 32 blocks range,
- Full Charge (min. 1,3s) - 400% MD, 5x5 splash damage, 32 blocks range.
Blast Jump - it resembles the famous rocket jump from other games. The Gunslinger deals AoE damage and shoots himself up, gaining a 2 seconds float effect.
Run and Gun - increased shooting rate and movement speed where shooting is not slowing you anymore.
Overcharged - for the price of crazy attack speed, you gain Charge Shots on every attack.
As a ranged DPS, you want to stand outside of enemies' reach and stay alive. Melee enemies will suffer against you if you manage to build an unreachable platform. However, it won't do against ranged enemies.
Non-boss mobs will most of the time get one shot by a combination of manually Charged Shot followed up by a Lucky Shot Charged Shot. If they somehow survive, use a Blast Jump.
Teleporting bosses will make you work for it. If you are using a platform, make sure to stand at the very edge of it to deny the boss a teleportation spot. In group content, make sure not to stay too far away from the boss, as it will make your melee allies lose DPS potential.
Gunslinger synergizes with Candy Barbarian's gumdrop well. Make good use of it.
Ice Sage
Before his rework, he was among the best speed farmers in the whole game thanks to the shield and movement speed boost on the "1". After it was swapped with his ultimate, the Ice Sage is excellent in the Shadow Towers, and actually nowhere else. It still has a decent farming potential with his Freeze, AoE spells, and movement speed. However, he's nowhere near the top, and his playstyle is rather mundane.
Basic attack - it has a form of an icicle, hitting for 250% MD.
Coldhearted - a 50% movement speed debuff is applied with basic attacks (5 seconds) and Ice Crash (3,5 second). Also, it prevents you from sliding while walking on ice.
Pain Freeze - Colhearted's effects are empowered. It applies freeze to the target upon a basic attack, and after three of them, enemies explode.
Ice Crash - the Sage summons an icicle to fall from above, dealing 600% MD within the 7x7 area.
The Big Chill - all enemies around you (7 blocks) are damaged and frozen, with a DoT on top of that.
Frozen Ward - the ability gives a shield and movement speed boost for 5 seconds. Any attack that would deal over 50% of the character's max HP is absorbed, and the shield is broken.
It seems that the Knight is kind of designed to be the tank. Looking at him, you can't repel the feeling that it's based on the World of Warcraft Warrior. In Trove, the Knight has a dash, a taunt, a buff to the total HP with moderate damage. His ultimate, which restores his HP, reduces the incoming damage, and redirects the damage that seven nearby Trovians receive, makes him an excellent tank. Having a healing character on him can make Knight pretty much unkillable unit.
However, he's not that popular partially because his gameplay is rather unimpressive and underwhelming, as well as his animations, and the character altogether looks lame. But still, if you don't mind boring and you like to take one for the team, then Knight might be your way to go.
Basic attack - swings a sword in an AoE arc, melee range.
Retribution - each basic attack debuffs the enemy, reducing the outgoing damage by 5%.
Smash - deals 800% Physical Damage in front of the character, taunting enemies for 3 seconds.
Charge - dashes forward, damaging, taunting, and stunning enemies for 1 second.
Spirit Squire - instead of lunging forward, your Spirit Squire charges, phasing through enemies, damaging, and stunning them.
Iron Will - heals the character to full, and decreases the damage taken by 50%. Seven allies within eight blocks will receive 10% less damage, and this value will be redirected to the Knight.
Lunar Lancer
It may not be the coolest nor the flashiest of all characters in the game, but it's one of the most efficient farmers in all the Trove. It is why if you are looking for a farming alt to gather tons of Flux, you should give the Lunar Lancer a try. Although the class has one of the highest base movement speed, and some cool-looking abilities, it's gameplay comes down to pressing the "1" button billions of times. It is also the main reason why this class is not the best in PvE.
Basic attack - strikes his lance in line, hitting all enemies.
Lunacy - attacking foes, grants you lunar power. Once you gather enough of it, you can transform for 12 seconds to gain 25% incoming damage reduction, +50% Physical Damage, 300% HP regen, +3- Movement Speed, and 100 Stability.
Shadow Lancer - using Lunacy, spawns a shadow clone of the Lunar Lancer for 25 seconds.
Grappling Spear - one of the coolest abilities in the game consisting of three parts:
- Throw - hurls a spear that attaches to any surface, phasing through enemies,
- Grapple - if the spear is attached, you can pull yourself towards it,
- Teleport - Lunar Lancer travels to the spear location, creating a tiny explosion afterward. It's available when the spear is planted before using the Lunacy.
Crescent Combo - the character swings the spear in an arc and charge for the next hit, which stuns enemies for 1 second.
Blessing of the Moon - you summon a spear from above, that deals 500% PD upon impact and 50% PD in a DoT. On top of that, it gives you 100% HP regen, 20 movement speed, and 1000 stability.
Neon Ninja
Top tier speed farmers in the game, with his backflipping making him the fastest character in Trove. From the moment that he can't build up his shurikens combined with the fact that he's one of the squishiest classes in the game, he's not that good for Shadow Towers any more.
Basic attack - hits the enemies with a combo of five attacks with different animations and hitboxes.
Shining Star - every enemy hit grants 1 throwing star, stacking up to a maximum of three. While in Stealth Mode, basic attack consumes the stacks dealing damage to enemies, with the damage doubled for the critical hit.
Heuristic Haxstar - replaces shurikens with a buzz saw, dealing up to 950% PD for three stacks, and applying the Stasis Blade root.
Shadow Flip - the bread and butter of Neon Ninja. Your character does a backflip entering the stealth, leaving a clone behind. The ability is so cool that you can get addicted, so beware of your energy usage.
Stasis Blade - you rush forward, rooting enemies for 2 seconds, dealing 250% PD.
Final Technique - makes your basic attacks throw damaging energy swords, phasing through enemies, resetting the duration of the root from Stasis Blade.
Pirate Captain
His playstyle revolves around planting utility devices and playing around it, much like Chloromancer. It is why just like the mentioned one, the Pirate Captain is not very popular among the players. His attacks and abilities are mostly splash damage, so Pirate Captain has no problems dealing with multiple enemies. However, other than that, the class has not much more to offer.
Basic attack - it's a short-ranged blast in the form of a trapezoid.
Plunderbuss - Basic Attacks and Pretend Pirate explosion grants 1 Doubloon per each enemy hit. Doubloons restore 10 energy each.
First Mate - the character deploys a turret, which deals 140% MD. Collecting three Doubloons upgrades the turret to deal 720% MD, and another three Doubloons double its attack rate.
ARR-tillery - First Mate ability is allowed to deploy one more turret, that upgrades with the same Doubloons that the first one.
Pretend Pirate - you deploy a decoy that lures enemies and explodes after being destroyed.
Man o'War - puts down a turret that hurls explosive shells.
He feels powerful as he's look. His life leech is absolutely fabulous. For some players, his playstyle may not be appealing, but most of the player base finds him cool. And his ultimate is straight-up beautiful. He doesn't have the best speed farming in the game, but it's viable. The Revenant will do extremely fine in Shadow Towers scenario thanks to his overall damage and survivability, making him able to solo nearly every boss.
Basic Attack - thrusts forward, stabbing enemies with a chance for taunting.
Vengeful Spirits - when receiving the fatal damage, the character is healed for half of his max HP. He spawns a Spirit Wraith on top of that. While the Spirit Wraith is on cooldown, the HP regeneration is increased by 100%, and PD goes up by 50%. Basic attacks and Bulwark Bash give 5% life leech after the first attack. Also, they apply a debuff to enemies, increasing the damage from all sources by 5%. Consecutive attacks refresh the debuff.
Bulwark Bash - deals damage in a cone, taunting enemies.
Aegis Assault - Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown, applying damage over time.
Spirit Spears - for 3% of your max HP upon activation, and further 5% each tick, it deals 600% PD in a cone in front of the character. The Revenant is immune to knockback over the duration.
Spirit Storm - a cyclone vacuums enemies towards the character, firing spirit blasts, healing the Revenant for 5% max HP. Snares enemies at the very end. This ability is made to synergize with Spirit Spears, recovering the HP that is lost.
Shadow Hunter
Probably one of the most popular and cool classes in Trove. Many people say that how your character looks in-game is sometimes a deciding factor, as you won't have much fun playing a character that is repelling, right? It's the strong side of the Shadow Hunter as he looks absolutely amazing. Also, one of the reasons he gained so much popularity is his class gem ability, which changes his basic attack into a machine gun. However, Shadow Hunter has some problems, one of them being the unexciting early game. Getting through the initial levels is painful, and we could refer to the WoW's Warrior again. But the reward you get for your hard work and patience makes it up entirely. The other thing that holds him from being top tier is that his ultimate, as well as basic attack, don't phase through the enemies. If they did, SH would be the best class in the whole game.
Basic Attack - shoots a light arrow.
Shadow Blitz - turns your basic attacks into a machine gun. Hitting shadow-marked target consumes the mark, triggers an explosion, and deals 750% PD AoE.
Dark Whispers - nearby enemy is marked with a Shadow Mark; the Shadow Hunter can see him through blocks.
Radiant Arrow - the character shoots an arrow piercing through foes and walls. Consuming a Shadow Mark applies an additional 500% PD.
Sun Snare - throws a trap onto the ground that deals slight damage and stuns the target for 2 seconds.
Arrow of the Goddess - marks all enemies within a 15 blocks sphere with a Shadow Mark, and empowers the next Radiant Arrow to deal more damage, double the crit damage, and knock enemies back.
Tomb Raiser
The problem with the Tomb Raiser is that in order to be useful, he needs to stack up his minions, which takes a lot of time and nerves. It's useful and provides a lot of utility, but whenever people are facing a choice between slow building-up damage, or high DPS right away, they will refuse to wait, and pick something that smashes from the get-go.
Basic attack - it has a form of laser, damaging enemies and healing Tomb Raiser's Skeletons and Grave Goliath.
Soul Caller - with this ability, the Tomb Raiser attracts a restless soul, stacking up to 3. Souls are attracted by killing enemies as well. Also, Basic Attacks heal for 2% of the damage.
Bonetourage - consumes a restless soul stack to spawn a skeleton, that will fight for you. Its health decays, but your basic attacks can replenish it. You can have a maximum of six skeletons at your service.
Banshee's Boon - you turn into a ghost, reducing damage taken by 90%. Your attacks affect foes and minions in AoE, amplifying your healing by 233%. The ghost form ends when your energy bar depletes.
Beckon Banshee - you summon an additional banshee with your previous ability. The ghost fights enemies and heals minions.
Grave Goliath - you summon a giant Skeleton sacrificing your Bonetourage minions. The more minions you sacrifice, the stronger the Goliath becomes.
He's really strong overall, being able to go both melee and ranged (with ultimate). He can easily solo the Shadow Towers, and he remains relevant in the end game probably as the only melee class out there. Although his ranged abilities are rather weak, it still makes him a very versatile and well-developed class. Just as if it was not enough, he's one of the most efficient speed farmers in the game. His playstyle might be a little off if you're new to the game.
Touchdown - the Vanguardian supercharges after gliding for 3 seconds. Upon landing, you create a shockwave in front of you.
Hero's Mantle - every third melee and fourth ranged Basic Attack reduces abilities cooldown.
Melee Form
Basic attack - punches enemies with every third attack dealing more damage.
Eyebeam - damages enemies in front of the character, making them take more damage from all sources.
Force Flash - for six seconds, the character pulses kinetic energy, dealing damage, and increasing damage resistance and movement speed.
Laser Leap - switches to range mode jumping two blocks backward and gaining 100% energy.
Ranged Form:
Basic attack - shoots energy orbs with every fourth attack being empowered one.
Plasma Blast - fires a ball of energy dealing massive AoE damage.
Fired Up - a self-buff increasing your attack speed and damage dealt by 50%.
Hero's Charge - switches to melee mode, dashing forward, healing for a portion of his HP over time. Also, vacuums enemies towards you.
What is the best class in Trove?
The answer is not straightforward, as MMORPG is never a straightforward game. You can't pick a class that will shine in every aspect of the game. It is why we will analyze a few sections of the game, picking the best Trove class for each of them.
Solo farming
For that, you need a class that moves quickly between mobs and kills them fast as well. A good thing to have on a speed farmer is the splash damage to clear large mob trains faster. It is why Neon Ninja, Dino Tamer, and Vanguardian are the best in this department. Some other classes are fine as well, but you will have way more fun with these.
The thing about tanking is not only being able to withstand a colossal amount of damage but also keeping mobs and boss aggro away from the DPS and Healers. It is why crowd control abilities, especially Taunts, are critical. Because of that, Knight and Revenant will make the best tanks in Trove.
We all love these characters that can provide enemies with a proper whopping. In Trove, these are Shadow Hunter and Gunslinger. You can also try Fae Trickster with his staves for the most single-target DPS, but you will struggle with mobs before reaching the boss.
The support role in MMORPG is not just to heal the tank. It's also providing the group with buffs and enhancing their damage. In Trove, the best supports are Cholormancer with the most reliable healing option, and Candy Barbarian rules in terms of buffs.
The most all-rounded character by far is the Boomeranger. It's beginner-friendly, and it remains useful up until the late game. You can play melee and switch to ranged. Your abilities hit hard, but with the ultimate you have 50% chance to aid your teammates. If you're indecisive about what you want to play, you can't go wrong with the Boomer Ranger.
Obviously, the essence of picking the class is the same in every game, not only the MMO. You should pick whatever gives you fun. At the end of the day, all these games were created to provide joy to the players (and money to the developers). If you're having a great time playing Lunar Lancer, impersonating the Spider-Man with a Grappling Spear - go for it! One of our writers played Assassin's Creed 2 just to push the guards into the canals in Venice. The game is for you, not the other way around. Keep that in mind.
If you are less into the fun, you can try earning some real money with Trove. Surprisingly enough, there is a huge market for Trove Flux, and you can be a part of it. If you are a decent farmer capable of gathering tons of currency in no time, feel free to let us know, and we'll buy it from you for a good dollar.
What classes are in Trove?
There are Boomeranger, Candy Barbarian, Chloromancer, Dino Tamer, Dracolyte, Fae Trickster, Gunslinger, Ice Sage, Knight, Lunar Lancer, Neon Ninja, Pirate Captain, Revenant, Shadow Hunter, Tomb Raiser, and Vanguardian.
Which Trove class is the best for farming?
Neon Ninja, Dino Tamer, and Vanguardian excel at it.
Which class is the best tank in Trove?
You should choose between Knight and Revenant for the most efficiency.
What should I pick as a Healer?
Chloromancer is unmatched here.
Which class has the most DPS in Trove?
People usually take Gunslinger or Shadow Hunter for this purpose.
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